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Welcome to Jimmy Kraus

RSA: Jimmy, you are playing over 75 now. What do you do to stay in shape in the off season? Jim: I swim about 25 times monthly to keep in shape. I lift weights a couple times weekly. In winter I may go to TSE or Smash It a few times. RSA: What’s your definition...

Welcome to Tony Rizzo

RSA: Tony, you’ve been a sponsor and a manager. What do you look for in a player when you’re forming a team? Tony: I look for guys who are team players and most of all commitment showing up for tournaments and putting the work in during the off season....

Welcome to Ed Turpyn

RSA: Ed, as we get older it gets harder and harder to stay in shape. What do you do in the off months to get ready for the upcoming season? Ed: Starting in November playing indoor at TSE twice a week until April. The wife and I spend the month of February in Sarasota...

Welcome to Craig Chamberlain

RSA: You started the Henrietta Hots hitting club. How do you feel the response has been? Craig: The Henrietta Hots Hitting Club was really born out of Covid. A group of around 20 of us would get together and hit during the Covid shutdown. The following season when...

Welcome to Denny Warren

RSA: You’ve been with the RSA since its inception, what was the hardest part about getting it off the ground? Denny: I believe that acquiring the best possible softball minds was the most difficult. As soon as that process was completed, we were able to get...

Welcome to Rick Palermo

RSA: When you started coaching the Cardot/Madalena, Empire/Monroe team, you were still playing and in fact, kept playing for a few years after. How hard was it to do both well? Rick: I was a player coach for years when I was younger, so I have been doing two roles for...