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RSA: Jimmy, you are playing over 75 now. What do you do to stay in shape
in the off season?

Jim: I swim about 25 times monthly to keep in shape. I lift weights a couple
times weekly. In winter I may go to TSE or Smash It a few times.

RSA: What’s your definition of a good teammate? What behavior do
you try to emulate on the field?

Jim: The teammate who plays in almost all your games with skill and is
positive to his teammates. Eddie Turpyn and John Territo exemplified this;
so did Casey Lopata in the old days.

RSA: You have managed a few teams over the years. What was the hardest
decision you’ve had to make as a coach?

Jim: The hardest decision was to cut an older player whose skills had declined.

RSA: Jimmy, you’re a member of the Rochester Hall of Fame and have played in
the Hall of Fame’s annual summer classic. What’s your best memory?

Jim: In last year’s Hall of Fame game I made 3 or 4 good catches to help us win the game.

RSA: What do you attribute Rochester area’s success on the national stage to?
Jim: Lots of seniors with skills continue to play steadily in Rochester. That
maintains a core of good players at different age and talent levels.